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The Contracting States shall not allow customs measures to be put into effect which will hinder international travel.
Simplified customs and other regulatory measures which have been or may be put into effect by any contiguous States parties to this Convention, for the facilitation of international automotive traffic, shall be considered to be in furtherance of this Convention and shall be en¬couraged.
Before admission to international traffic, every vehicle shall be registered by the State of origin in the manner prescribed by its laws, or by any subdivision thereof having legal authority to register vehicles.
In addition to the registration plate or plates of the State of origin or of its legally empowered political subdivisions each vehicle shall display an international registration marker indicating the country of origin. This marker shall be in the form of an oval plate not less than 3 inches (8 cm.) wide by 10 inches (26 cm.) long bearing capital Latin letters painted black on a white background.
The distinctive names or letters indicating the several countries shall be the following:
Argentina | ARGENTINA |
Bolivia | BOLIVIA |
Brazil | BRASIL |
Chile | CHILE |
Colombia | COLOMBIA |
Costa Rica | COSTA RICA |
Cuba | CUBA |
Dominican Republic | REP. DOM. |
Ecuador | ECUADOR |
El Salvador | SALVADOR |
Guatemala | GUATEMALA |
Haiti | HAITI |
Honduras | HONDURAS |
Mexico | MEXICO |
Nicaragua | NICARAGUA |
Panama | PANAMA |
Paraguay | PARAGUAY |
Peru | PERU |
United States of America | U.S.A. |
Uruguay | URUGUAY |
Venezuela | VENEZUELA |
This distinctive plate shall be issued by the State or its authorized representatives. All registration plates shall be plainly visible. Motor vehicles bearing the international registration markers provided for by the International Convention for the Circulation of Automobiles, 1909, as amended in 1926, shall be recognized as having complied with the foregoing conditions concerning international registration markers.
For admission to international travel, each motor vehicle shall bear in a readily accessible location the name of the manufacturer of the vehicle, the manufacturer's number of the chassis, and the manufacturer’s number of the engine.
Unless otherwise provided by the laws or regulations of the respective States or subdivisions thereof, the size of vehicles and loads shall be limited to the following:
Unless the laws and regulations of the respective States or political subdivisions thereof provide otherwise, the following requirements as to equipment shall be indispensable for motor vehicles admitted to international traffic:
A special international automobile certificate, in addition to the registration required by Article V, may be required for each motor vehicle for admission to and circulation in any individual State party to this Convention, if the State so elects. Provision for the issuance of such certificate shall be made by each Contracting State, and such document shall be issued by the State, or by any authorized political subdivision thereof, or by an association duly empowered by such authorities, or by an authorized representative of either the Contracting State or of one of its political subdivisions, having legal authority to issue such certificates. The validity of such special international automobile certificate shall be recognized by all officials having jurisdiction over matters involving legal ownership of the vehicle. The certificate shall be in the form, of the size, and contain the information prescribed in Annex A to this Convention, and shall be valid for one year from date of issuance.
The international automobile certificate issued in accordance with the International Convention of 1926 on Automobile Circulation shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this Article.
A special international driving license may be required for each operator admitted to circulation in any individual State party to this Convention, if the State so elects. Such a special license shall be required for each operator who does not possess a domestic driving license as required in Article VI. Provision for the issuance of such international driving license shall be made by each Contracting State, and such document shall be issued by the State, or by any authorized political subdivision thereof, or by an association duly empowered by such authorities, or by an authorized representative of either the Contracting State or one of its political subdivisions having legal authority to issue driving licenses. The validity of such special international driving license shall be recognized by all officials having regulatory powers over automotive traffic. The license shall be in the form, of the size, and contain the information prescribed in Annex B to this Convention, and shall be valid for one year from date of issuance.
The international driving license issued in accordance with the International Convention of 1926 shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this Article.
A general bond guaranteeing payment of customs charges on any motor vehicle to be admitted to international traffic, due and payable within the country in which such charges may be incurred, may be required by any state party to this Convention.
The international customs pass (carnet de passage en douane) of the Association Internationale des Automobile Clubs Reconnus or of the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this Article for any Contracting State in which a bond is required.
No bond shall be required in any Contracting State if the stay of the foreign vehicle therein does not exceed the period allowed for free stay.
Each State may establish such requirements as it may deem necessary to record the passage into and out of its territory, of vehicles and operators admitted to international traffic. If such records are maintained, they shall include a notation that the vehicle has complied with the provisions of Articles X and XI.
The hours and routes dedicated to the crossing of frontiers by properly registered vehicles shall be fixed by common consent of the adjacent States and their decisions communicated to the corresponding custom authorities.
Infractions of this Convention shall be punished in conformity with the laws and regulations of the country in which committed.
Infractions which shall have incurred judicial penalty shall be communicated by the judge or magistrate to the proper authorities, who in turn shall communicate them to the authorities of the State or its political subdivision in which the vehicle and its owner or operator were originally registered.
Any vehicle or operator admitted to international traffic under the provisions of the International Convention for the Circulation of Automobiles, 1909, as amended in 1926, and holding the documents required there-under, will be recognized as fulfilling the requirements of the present Convention.
The original of the present Convention in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French shall be deposited with the Pan American Union and opened for signature by the American republics. The Convention shall also be opened for the adherence and accession of American States which are not members of the Pan American Union. The Pan American Union shall transmit authentic certified copies to the Governments for the purpose of ratification.
The present Convention shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective constitutional procedures. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Pan American Union in Washington, which shall notify the signatory Governments of said deposit. Such notification shall be considered as an exchange of ratifications.
The present Convention shall come into force between the High Contracting Parties in the order in which they deposit their respective ratifications.
The present Convention shall remain in effect indefinitely, but may be denounced by means of one year’s notice given to the Pan American Union, which shall transmit it to the other signatory Governments. After the expiration of this period the Convention shall cease in its effects as regards the party which denounces it, but shall remain in effect for the remaining High Contracting Parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, having deposited their full powers found to be in due and proper form, sign this Convention in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French, at the Pan American Union, Washington, D. C., on behalf of their respective Governments and affix thereto their seals on the dates appearing opposite their signatures.